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Rank 5

Cleansing Flame of Ashes

This is one of the most powerful spells known to the Red Order, for it can extend the natural life of a Keldian far beyond its usual span. The Cleansing Flame is reserved only for the most powerful Magi, and is hardly ever cast on someone with a Status less than 18.

Each of four Mages must cast the spell together. Should any of them fail the casting then all the Mages fail and a new ritual cannot be attempted on the same individual in that month. Should the spell be cast it is still not certain of success. The subject must make a Physical roll resisted by 15. Failure means that they lose 2 Physical permanently and the spell is done. Should it succeed then the subjects age is frozen at its current point for 10 years time, after which point the Keldian ages again as normal.

Though the spell may be used on a person of any age it is usually reserved only for the most powerful Mages because of its complexity and requirements. It is also an important factor in the balance of power between the Black and Red Orders. Though the Black Order has quested for generations for their own version of this spell they have been singularly unsuccessful to date. Thus the Red Order is the only means of longevity for the Black Order's chosen. The spell requires the following.

  • The sacrifice of 10 Bull Crdlu
  • The burning of sacred herbs worth 10
  • The destruction of gemstones and minerals worth 11
  • 4 days of continuous casting by the 4 Mages involved
  • 5 days of fasting and sacrifice by the target of the spell
power+1 on the Physical test per 2 power levels used by each Mage casting the spell